Antibiotics are like swallowing an atomic bomb.
The body needs trillions of microorganisms to function and antibiotics kill indiscriminately and do not differentiate between microorganisms. No one knows exactly what is being killed with antibiotics and if essential microorganisms will grow back. Bacteria function as shadow organs throughout the body to help all body systems. Antibiotics cause many health problems from mental illness to gut issues to cancer.
Herbs for pain:
Ginger and turmeric fresh root can be purchased at Whole Foods and can be stored in a freezer to stay fresh to be able to use on demand. They can also be fermented for added potency and to help them stay fresh. Use a peeler to make thin slices or shreds with a microplane shredder and cover the pieces in a glass jar with raw organic unfiltered honey for two weeks on the counter. After two weeks, it is ready and can be stored in the fridge.
Acetaminophen or Tylenol depletes the liver of glutathione, the molecule needed for detox. It is the leading cause of acute liver failure and liver transplants! Since vaccines have hundreds of mcg of heavy metals and carcinogens, giving Tylenol before or after vaccines, causes neurological damage, developmental delays, and immune issues, since it impairs the body’s ability to detox from the vaccine ingredients.
Photo of shredded lemon peel, ginger, and turmeric fermenting in raw unfiltered organic honey on my countertop
The strongest herbal analgesics are opium poppy extracts and cannabis products which are restricted. Cannabis can be obtained from a dispensary for medical purposes in many states and in some states it can be legally obtained without a medical need. Cannabis is the strongest herb for pain. It also has immense healing ability like killing cancer cells, reducing side effects from traditional cancer treatments, stopping seizures and healing GI issues.
Cannabis field
Some Herbal Antimicrobials:
Bulbs of raw garlic
Essential oils
Quality essential oils
Books to learn more:
Essential Oils, Ancient Medicine – Dr. Axe explains simply the use of over 50 essential oils for a huge range of ailments from eczema to infection to cancer
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan by Dr. Paul Thomas on the risks of acetaminophen especially at the same time as vaccination and on the risks of ibuprofen