
Malka Reichman

About Malka Reichman
and her work:

I’m a naturopathic doctor and clinical herbalist based in Miami, FL. I help clients by video call and phone who want to self-heal by using medicinal herbs, functional nutrition, detox, and naturopathic principles.

An early mentor was my much older cousin Dr. Michael Lesser, a retired holistic psychiatrist who wrote ‘Nutrition and Vitamin Therapy.’ He helped people self heal from serious psychiatric disorders with micronutrients (like B12) and heavy metal detox (like aluminum). Lesser taught me how the body self heals when nutritional deficiencies and toxicity are corrected. I went on to learn Western herbal medicine because plants can deliver results fast while a person heals deeply with nutrition and detox. Herbs can help facilitate healing and take away pain. There is immense healing in plants that has been passed down from the beginning of time. I then became a doctor of naturopathy to be able to use naturopathic principles: correcting nutritional deficiencies, avoiding toxicity, detox,  hydrotherapy, sun therapy, breathing techniques, sound therapy, clay, acupressure and reflexology, biomagnetism, rest/sleep/exercise, fasting, avoiding synthetic vitamins, and homeopathy to try to help people move toward real healing. Some naturopathic assessment tools are pulse testing and reflex nutrition assessment (muscle testing) for nutritional sensitivities, iridology (study of the eye iris), heavy metal urine and hair testing in a lab, Bach flower consultation, PH/RBTI (Reams biological theory of ionization), and intake assessment to see where the person’s lifestyle can be causing the illness. 

Maimonides would have been considered a Naturopathic Doctor in today’s terms. 800 years ago, he wrote ways to prevent disease with food and lifestyle. He didn’t discuss suppressing symptoms (drugs) or removing body parts (surgery), which is what Western medicine is about. Unless someone needs emergency Western medicine for a gun wound, serious knife wound, ectopic pregnancy, etc, they should try to heal with natural methods. Chronic illness falls into this category. Natural methods are needed to try to heal. Something needs to be done differently in the person’s lifestyle/diet to get different results (health vs disease). Drugs do not heal. They suppress symptoms and usually create more serious problems than the issues they are trying to suppress. Most Western medical procedures are very invasive and dangerous and bring a person much further away from health. The tests are not either without risk; many of their tests create real bodily damage and illness.

Through independent research, formal education, personal experience, and professional experience, I try to help people live not only free of disease but with robust health.

I focus on helping people with chronic health conditions, like autoimmune diseases (eczema, asthma, type 1 diabetes), gut problems, mental health (anxiety, depression), cancer, neuro issues like autism and ADHD, hormonal imbalance, Lyme and infertility. Also, acute issues like infection and contagious diseases and to help people maintain a healthy weight. Weight loss is a very delicate metabolic process and successful weight loss is more than just having a calorie deficit. I have a big interest in tooth health and helping people avoid toxic forms of dentistry, which is the cause of 80% of all chronic health conditions. I give people guidance on how cavities can self-heal, which herbs to use for tooth or gum pain while the teeth remineralize, and to help educate why not to destroy teeth with a dentist’s drill.
I have also developed a mercury detox protocol for people to detox from mercury accumulation from dental silver fillings/amalgams after their removal. 

I am a non-hippie-looking herbalist! Many herbalists live very close to nature and have long beards, or long hair, or wear sandals. I am also a designer.  And I sew a lot of my clothing and kids’ clothing. Both herbalist and designer merge because I sew using natural fiber fabrics like 100% organic cotton, linen, and silk.
When I’m not researching herbal medicine or helping clients, you’ll find me preparing food from scratch for my family and hanging out with my kids.

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