Why avoid dentists?
Dentists remove body parts (teeth) and instead put carcinogens and heavy metals in the head in the name of ‘health.’ Most dentists do not know how to look up online the basic specs with ingredients of the carcinogenic cements and composites that they put daily in people’s heads (mouth).
Teeth are organs, not ‘horse shoes’ for eating.
What affects a specific tooth has an influence on a specific organ. And the connecting organ also affects the linked tooth. There are cases when a woman who develops breast cancer previously had a root canal on an upper bicuspid (premolar) on the same side of the body as the affected breast. Since a root canal is a dead tooth, there was a disturbed flow of energy to that breast. When the root canal was extracted, the body dismantled the tumor and the lump disappeared.
Traditional dentistry does not value teeth as organs but merely as tools for eating and for their look in a smile. They drill and grind down teeth haphazardly without any regard that they are living organs because they think they can repair them so a person can still eat and smile. Dentists are not concerned at all about cementing foreign or toxic materials into the body since they do not regard teeth as parts of the whole body. Most dentists function as tooth carpenters.

This classic Tooth Meridian Chart shows how each tooth corresponds energetically to an different organ. Toxic dental work interferes not only with teeth but with the entire body.
Some estimate that 80% of chronic health problems are caused by toxic dentistry.
A cavity will self heal with a change in diet.
Just like germs are not the cause of illness, bacteria are not the cause of cavities. If a person eats food that causes a constant sugar rush, their teeth will demineralize even if they brush every hour. Brushing teeth is for social reasons only, so food should not be stuck in the teeth.
Tooth brushing has no impact on cavities. Healthy teeth is all about what foods a person eats.
Cavities and decay are caused by a demineralization of the teeth by a constant sugar rush. By eating refined sugar, fake sugar, processed grains or flours, or processed food the body uses calcium and phosphorus from the bones to replenish after a sugar rush which causes a demineralization of the body. If there’s a constant sugar rush and demineralization, The body will prioritize central organs so the teeth will be the first to demineralize. Homemade baked goods from processed flour means whatever is baked is a processed food. Flour milled in a factory is stripped of the germ and crucial vitamins a person needs to live.

On the left, New Zealand primitive natives, the Maori, have had the reputation of having the finest teeth and finest bodies of any race in the world. On the right, modernized whites of New Zealand, claimed to have the poorest teeth in the world.

A drill is like a surgical knife.
Like in any industry, dentists use marketing to attract patients to come into their offices. A fairly recent marketing ruse is that people should come every 6 months for a ‘check up’ and ‘cleaning.’ Dental cleanings can damage the protein layers of the teeth. And a regular check up is an opportunity for a dentist to tell you whether you have a ‘cavity.’ The body would remineralize a cavity naturally with a change in diet, and teeth don’t need to be destroyed to order to ‘protect’ them.

You don’t need a dentist to see if you have cavities.
A sensitivity to hot, cold or sweet food is a sign of decay or a cavity, a notice from the body that food habits need to be stopped and the teeth need remineralization.
The better class of dentist is a biomimetic dentist.
You can find a biomimetic dentist though teacher Matt Nejad. And on the websites of these biomimetic programs: thebaardinstitute.com, allemancenter.com and aobmd.org.
Free biomimetic courses for laymen to learn more on how traditional dentistry grinds down healthy teeth and how to avoid this kind of dentistry:
- Freebiomimeticdentalcourse.com
- Aobmd.org/free-webinars/
- If you submit your email on the homepage drpaulomalley.com, they will email you their biomimetic dental course
- Dr. Panahpour on Youtube.com
But most holistic dentists are extremely invasive and jump to drill and remove huge portions of the tooth, even if they may put a less toxic filling in.
So the best dentists are both holistic (or systemic or biological) and biomimetic.
All fillings are a problem. Some are deadly.
All composites deaden the teeth messaging system because plastic doesn’t carry a body message. Many composites have BPA and carcinogens. Plastic is still the preferred tooth filling material since it is less hard than tooth material, so it won’t damage the opposing teeth.
With any restoration, it is important to only use only a material that is the same strength as the tooth, not stronger or weaker. If the restoration is weaker, grinding food will make the filling shrink. Material that is weaker than a natural tooth is better than using a material that is stronger than a natural tooth. If a material that is stronger than a natural tooth is glued and attached to a tooth (called an onlay, inlay or crown), it can dent or crack the opposing tooth in the mouth and may crack the tooth it is cemented to. Ceramic, Emax, Zirconia and metals are materials that are used but they are at least three times the strength of a natural tooth. Some ceramics and metals are much more than three times stronger than tooth material.
Forwardontics is the new Orthodontics

This sketch shows the basic differences in facial development of a nose breather (top sketch) and mouth breather (bottom sketch).
Other dentistry dangers
X-rays are ionizing radiation that cause DNA cell damage thyroid and other cancers (the thyroid is in the neck that is why dental lead guards are supposed to be closed at the neck). According to Dr Robert Mendelssohn, X-rays cause Down Syndrome children to be born. You can try to find a dentist who will not require it when you want to switch out an unsafe filling for a better filling. Also X-ray machines vary greatly in amounts of radiation. Older machines usually give off much more radiation than newer machines. And there are certain specialty dental machines that give off very little radiation. You can find out the amount of radiation by getting the company and model number of the machine. As with any radiation machine, there is the risk that it can malfunction and give off massive amounts of radiation.
Since US dentists need to follow ‘standards of care,’ many are afraid of risking their license, and will not work without an X-ray. X-rays are there to protect the dentist from liability, not to protect your health. There are many dentists in the US that will work without an X-ray. Especially, if a woman says that they are pregnant or might be pregnant. It is dangerous to X-ray a pregnant woman as it can cause birth defects. It is very easy to find a dentist in Mexico or outside the US who will work without an X-ray. You just need to make sure they are qualified through IAOMT or a biomimetic course.
It is a very unsafe to bring a child to a dentist.
Any drilling on a child’s teeth will cause them to have tooth problems later in life. Many dentists will take advantage of a child’s brand new teeth and drill into them to beef up their insurance reimbursement. Drilling perfect kids’ teeth is what causes people to need crowns and lose their teeth when they are middle-aged. Drilling and breaking into teeth does not ‘save the teeth!’ A child should never be X-rayed. They are much more sensitive to x-ray exposure than adults. Also, an X-ray machine gives off the same radiation to a child as it gives off to an adult, but because of the size difference, a child is absorbing many more times the radiation in an x-ray. More modern machines have settings for children. A child can be exposed to radiation from someone else being X-rayed in the next room. X-rays go further than the X-ray room.
There is no simple solution to finding a good dentist.
It is best to stay far away from one.
For a mouth infection (works for any other skin infection too) you can put a bit of manuka essential oil. For inflammation, you can use turmeric oil. Most dentists think an infected tooth needs to be pulled out. Would you remove your toe if your toe was infected? The tooth is a living organ, it can self heal from an infection. Dentist have no idea how to help a tooth infection.
The waterpik is dangerous and will cause softer teeth to crack and crumble.
What is a good dentist?

Close Your Mouth by Patrick McKeown on how mouth breathing causes breathing issues and how to switch from mouth breathing to nose breathing using Dr. Buteyko’s methods
Whole Body Dentistry by Dr. Breiner