Healing depression and anxiety
The mind is an organ attached to the rest of the body. If a person does not get proper micronutrients and or if a person has heavy metal toxicity, the mind will be unhealthy and be plagued with poor mental health. The body was designed to always try to move towards healing. If the conditions that caused the health problem are resolved, the body will naturally move towards healing. Mental vigor returns when a person eats foods that heal and detoxes from heavy metals and toxins. A lot of the information below also applies to other mental concerns like ADHD and even dementia.
Basics for good mental health
Eat only organic and unprocessed foods. Read the ‘what to eat’ section on the website to learn more. Soak grains before using them since this enables their critical nutrients needed for mind body health to be absorbable in the body. Eat a healing bread at least a few times a week. Read the ‘healing bread’ section on the website to learn how to make a healing bread that has critical B complex vitamins needed for mental and physical health. A healing bread provides sustenance that supports all life functions. Commercial bread causes IBS, Colitis, Crohn’s and leaky gut. Omega 3 oils need to be eaten daily for brain and nerve function and can be found in chia seeds, flaxseeds and pasture raised eggs. Stay away from inflammatory oils like vegetable, canola and trans fats like margarine and hydrogenated oil (in processed foods). Food additives and coloring also disturb brain function. Stay away from refined sugar and foods like high fructose corn syrup and refined grains, that have the same negative effect on the body as sugar. Sugar poisons the mind. In order to process sugar, the body gets depleted of key minerals it needs to function. It takes 72 hours for an adult to rebalance the calcium phosphorus balance in the body after consuming one teaspoon of sugar. After eating sugar, there is a mental and physical ‘crash’ after the initial sugar rush. Sugar is also more addictive than cocaine and it takes two weeks to detox from cravings after stopping to eat sugar.
Hormonal medications, like birth control pills, are a class one carcinogen and are known to cause anxiety and depression. Antibiotics can cause mental illness since they kill microorganisms that a person needs to function. Fermented vegetables should be eaten a few times a week since the brain is connected to gut health and these probiotic microorganisms are intrinsic to gut and full-body health. Sometimes a person will get depression or psychosis after a round of antibiotics since critical microorganisms were killed.
EMF radiation can affect mental health and cause anxiety or depression. Some EMF sources are smart meters from the electric company, cell phones, and Wifi. A simple electric meter can be obtained from the electric company where someone comes monthly instead of the electric company getting a usage reading remotely. Wired internet can be used instead of Wifi. A cell phone can be placed in airplane mode. The Non Tinfoil Guide to EMFs by Pinealt has more solutions. Research clearly shows that radiation from wireless technology affects the autonomic nervous system and increases anxiety and stress by upregulating the sympathetic nervous and downregulating the parasympathetic nervous system.
Herbs for mental distress
Cannabis is a very potent herb that can be used for anxiety or depression. Phytocannabinoids in cannabis can help neurotransmitter imbalances in the body’s own endocannabinoid system. In Cannabis is Medicine, Dr. Bonni Goldstein explains how to assess quality cannabis, the different delivery methods, and the many conditions that cannabis can heal or alleviate like anxiety, depression, chronic pain, effects of cancer treatments, seizures, ADHD, acne, asthma, gut issues, fibromyalgia, MS, ALS, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s Disease, glaucoma, migraine headaches, autism and even cure cancer. Since cannabis is restricted by the federal government since the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, which outlawed possessing or selling pot even though it has been used for centuries as safe and healing medicine, each state regulates cannabis use. In most states, a medical marijuana card is required to be obtained first before buying cannabis from a state-licensed dispensary. Despite the lies and propaganda over the last hundred years, science has shown that cannabis is a very safe herb, and using it doesn’t lead to addiction and doesn’t cause any mental or physical damage to the body.
Heavy metals cause mental illness
The amounts of aluminum in childhood vaccines from ‘The Vaccine Friendly Plan,’ by Dr. Paul Thomas.
How to detox from heavy metals
Getting off psychiatric drugs
There is no chemical imbalance when a person has a mental health concern. This is a myth. It is the psychiatric drugs that will cause a chemical imbalance and these toxic pills will drive a person further and further from good mental health. Like all synthetic drugs, they do not address the root cause. A person who wants to get off psychiatric medication needs to realize that psychiatrists are trained to put people on pill prescriptions and have no idea on how to take people off of them. Psychiatrists do not warn people that they are very addictive drugs, cause a dependency and do not heal a person. Since the body is always trying to maintain balance, when a person takes these toxic medications, the body tries to recalibrate to function in spite of these toxins. When a person stops taking these medications, a person may need to push through temporary physical and/ or mental symptoms as the body recalibrates to function again without the medication. Botanical medicine (herbs) can support a person to help mental distress and physical symptoms during this weaning off process. When a person bolsters their body with healthy food, detoxes from heavy metals, eats fermented probiotic vegetables and chlorella, stays away from heavy metals and toxins, exercises and has people they can get emotional comfort, they will be able to get past the withdrawal symptoms.
Possible anxiety and depression medication temporary withdrawal symptoms:
weight loss, chills, hiccups, low-back pain, muscle twitching, muscle weakness, tremors, weakness, apathy, craving for the medication, delirium, depression, dizziness, fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite, nightmare, panic, anger, rage, crawling sensation on the skin, seizures, gooseflesh, rashes, incontinence, stomachaches, intestinal cramps, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, yawning. bad taste in mouth, aching in the ears. runny nose, smelling unpleasant odors, watery eyes, uncontrolled blinking, rapid movement of the eyes, dilated pupils, double vision, headaches, muscle contraction headaches, increased anxiety, panic or anxiety attacks, agoraphobia, flu-like symptoms, hyperactivity, hallucinations, confusion, sweating, palpitations, slow or rapid pulse, tight chest, abdominal pain, restlessness, increased sensitivity to noise, light, touch or smell, change in sexual interest, impotence, pains in the shoulder, neck, jaw, or face. chronic pain, jitteriness, shaking. This list is from ‘The Anxiety Epidemic’ by Sahley.
More Resources
The Vaccine Friendly Plan by Dr. Paul Thomas has a chart with the amounts of aluminum and carcinogens in vaccines. His website doctorsandscience.com has useful interviews on the subject.