Malka Reichman

What is Herbal Medicine?​

Herbal medicine is the oldest system of medicine on the planet. There are over half a million healing plants in this incredible world for nearly all ills. Nowadays, we know the uses of about 10,000 plants. Botanical medicine was the main medicine that was used since the beginning of time. It is only recently, in the last hundred years, that Western (allopathic) medicine became the mainstream using synthetic drugs and surgical interventions.

Holistic medicine addresses the root issue of the illness. The inflamed body part is not the enemy or defective, but is giving the person a message that the whole body is out of balance. Holistic medicine does not treat a person as a series of parts but as one interconnected system.

To heal the whole person is to use medicinal herbs, eat the right foods, stay away from certain foods and chemicals and detoxing from toxins and heavy metals so the body can heal itself because the body is always trying to move towards healing and balance. Western medicine believes that there is little to do to influence health and germs and genetics cause disease. In holistic medicine it is all about the terrain. A person will naturally move towards regeneration if the conditions (poor lifestyle habits) that caused the disease change. Disease is caused by epigenetics, the expressions of your genes by the food you eat and the toxins you take in. Your choices directly influence your health destiny! people aren’t limited to a ‘diagnosis’ or ‘prognosis.’ All parts of the body can heal from the eyes to the teeth to the heart, liver, thyroid, gut, mind, liver, lungs, skin. Herbs are processed in the body like food, so they are safe even though they are potent and effective.

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