How to Get Better Sleep
1. Make sure to get daily early morning sunshine. Sunlight in general and specifically early morning sun helps regulate melatonin levels to help sleep. Melatonin is produced through sun exposure. The skin produces melanin from sun exposure and the body produces the hormone melatonin from melanin.
2. Don’t use sunglasses when outdoors. Sunglasses disturb the brain’s signal through the eyes that the body is exposed to sunlight so it doesn’t produce the right hormones after being exposed to sunlight. (Sunlight also is healing for the eyes and sunglasses make the eyes light sensitive. The bates method uses sunlight to heal vision.) A sun hat is good for too strong midday sun. Sunglasses should only be used in a car when really needed, like at sunset.
3. Caffeinated coffee will interfere with sleep. Caffeine is a stimulant. If you must drink coffee, then don’t have more than 1-2 cups and no later than 10am. Caffeine can make you fall asleep later, sleep less hours overall and make your sleep feel less satisfying.
4. A person needs to use their body daily with physical exercise to feel sleepy at bedtime. Recommended is a minimum 1 mile of walking for daily exercise. It should preferably be at a rate of 4 mph (1 mile/15 minutes). Much better is 2 miles a day. This is just for basic body maintenance. Exercise helps you fall asleep faster and have better sleep quality.
5.Eating after nightfall will interfere with sleep. Or if the day is very long, then best to stop eating 4-5 hours before bedtime. The body needs many hours to digest food. The body needs to have at least 16 hours a day where it is not digesting food for it to do intensive cellular repair (called ketosis). During this daily period of restricted eating, a person should just drink (filtered) water.
6. Smart meters are extremely unsafe. They cause anxiety, cancer, and disturb the circadian rhythm. Remove the electric company’s smart meter that’s attached to the house. You just call your electric company and ask to switch to a simple meter that they come monthly to read instead of reading the meter remotely. (There is usually a small fee which you can try to get them to waive to make the switch and then there’s a small monthly fee to read meter fee which gets tacked to the monthly electric bill). ‘The Non Tin Foil guide to EMF,’ by Pinealt is a good book to learn more on how to limit EMF radiation.
7. Emf radiation disturbs sleep in addition to being a health hazard. Don’t have Wi-Fi running, at least at night. You can turn off the modem/router. Best to use hard wired internet ports that a low voltage technician can install. And to use a modem that doesn’t function also as a router. At a minimum, important just to turn on Wi-Fi when using it so it’s not blasting 24/7.
8. Roman chamomile is an herb that relaxes to help someone sleep. The organic powder can be purchased from Roman chamomile can also be used as an essential oil. You can buy it on Amazon or Whole Foods. Just check ingredients that it’s not diluted. You can put it in a diffuser and have it go into the bedroom air. Or rub a bit on on the face like as a mustache so it can be breathed in.
9. There are stronger herbs to relax if someone can’t sleep like Valerian (as a tincture). Valerian is a white flower, It is is non habit forming and has been used for thousands of years.
10. Stay away from harmful blue light like from computers and phones. Blue light disturbs the circadian rhythm. People wear special orange or yellow glasses even during the day when using phones computers because the blue light is really harmful. Best to not use blue light emitting devices at all after nightfall or at a minimum to use special orange or yellow glasses. (There are settings on a phone and computer to change the light to less blue light, which is better but they should still be used with glasses). The emf emitted from a smartphone is also really bad for sleep in addition to other health issues it causes like brain cancer. A cell phone should be on airplane mode when someone is sleeping and never kept overnight in a bedroom. Cordless handsets also give off a lot of emf and should not be plugged in near someone’s body. Best is to use a corded phone, especially in bedroom.
11. Don’t sleep near major appliances or near a regular electric panel because they also give off a lot of emf. Also, nothing at all should be plugged in near a bed.
12. The best sleep bed is an inclined head of 30 degrees and raised legs, like a hammock effect. Flat beds are not healthy because of too much eye pressure. ‘Get it up’ by Ross Singer is a great book to learn more on health issues sleeping flat can cause.
13.Sleep is just one of the many body functions that will get disturbed from heavy metal toxicity. Vaccines have hundreds of mcg of heavy metals like aluminum and the flu vaccine has mercury. If someone is full of heavy metals from vaccines, metals can disturb every function of the body because the body displaces minerals for metals. A serious heavy metal detox is needed if the person was vaccinated. A mail in heavy metal urine analysis test from Great Plains lab can help see if a person has too high levels of mercury and or aluminum from vaccines. You will need to use an out of NY address for them to test. Another source of heavy metal toxicity is silver dental fillings which are half mercury by weight. See more on has many lists of sources for heavy metals in everyday products.
14.The very basics are: use a firm mattress; a bedroom should be dark, quiet and cool; make a set time for sleep and waking; don’t nap; don’t drink alcohol; don’t smoke; don’t eat sugar; don’t exercise before bed; for better sleep quality, it’s better to go to sleep earlier like 10pm and wake up earlier.