has a documentary called ‘Quest for the Cures’ which includes many options. will mail herbs that help detox to cure cancer and a person does not need to even go in person to the clinic in Mexico, right outside of San Diego.
Drinking tens of ounces of organic vegetable juices everyday, that you make fresh with a juicer from very dark greens, beets, carrots, and celery.
Eating fermented vegetables everyday. And eating chlorella, a single-celled algae that soaks up toxins and heavy metals which the body gets rid of it through elimination.
Staying away from all non organic food, processed foods, takeout and restaurant foods, canned foods, processed grains, sugar, fake sugar and dairy. These foods cause cancer.
Birth control pills and other hormonal medications and contraceptives are a class one carcinogen. They cause cancer. Many other drugs also cause cancer including antibiotics. Disease is healable when a person addresses the root cause and the body does not need synthetic drugs to alter the body and cause harm. FAM is a natural way to prevent pregnancy.
Cannabis can be obtained from a dispensary for medical purposes in many states and in some states it can be legally obtained without a medical need. Cannabis has immense healing abilities like killing cancer cells and reducing side effects from traditional cancer treatments. Cannabis is the strongest herb for pain.
Breast cancer is caused by wearing a restrictive bra for many hours a day, which stops lymphatic drainage. Toxins then build up and have nowhere to drain.
Sources of radiation that cause cancer are radiation and chemo cancer treatments, X-rays, mammograms, CAT scans.
Staying away from EMF radiation like WiFi, smart meters, cell phones.
Getting enough sleep. Exercising everyday with a minimum of two miles of brisk walking, that means at a rate of 2 miles in a half hour or less.
Drinking only properly filtered water like reverse osmosis. And drinking enough water daily which is half a person’s body weight in fluid ounces everyday.
Detoxing from negative emotions, like forgiving people who have done harm to you.
The Sun is necessary for deep healing. Sunbaths are one of the oldest methods for healing.
Sunlight disinfects and sterilizes.
In hospitals, a larger percentages of recoveries are on the sunny side VS the shade sides of the building.
According to George Drews, there are cells in the tissues of human skin whose function is analogous to chlorophyll in plants.
The billion dollar radiation industry (X-rays, CAT scans) is behind the myth that the sun causes cancer. They want to create confusion and equate manmade radiation which causes cancer to the healing rays of the sun.
SUNSCREENS CAUSE CANCER. Your body will tell you when sun exposure is too strong and to go in the shade. Sunhats are good for very strong mid-day sun. There is no product that can block the sun if it’s too strong. When you feel that the sun is too strong, it is time to wear a hat or go in the shade.