Removing toxins in the home:
Throw out all your stuff!
All body products in a regular pharmacy are a blend of carcinogens, and endocrine and respiratory disruptors. There is not much government regulation to what goes into body products, since they are not ingested. But, since the skin is the body’s largest organ, serious illnesses like cancer and autoimmune diseases can result when these toxic products are lathered into the skin or breathed in every day. The chemicals that interfere with the endocrine system also make it hard to lose weight. Chemicals can be looked up on the cancer list at
What is wrong with plastic?
It’s a heavy metal that causes dementia and interferes with many body systems since the body displaces on the cellular level minerals for metals. The body holds onto metals and they don’t come out of the body easily. Heavy metals get imbedded on a cellular level and cause poisoning. Aluminum is toxic to the brain and nerve cells and can cause autism, ADHD, anxiety and mental illness. (Certain algae can help detox from heavy metal toxicity.)
They contain PFOAs which disrupt human health and remain in the body for years, sometimes decades.
The movie Dark Waters documented injustice around the PFAS compound, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). Robert Bilott, the lawyer who did battle with DuPont over the PFOA poisoning of the Parkersburg citizenry, is an American hero. His work led to a big epidemiological study which found that PFOA is capable of immense health impacts at tiny doses. PFAS are neurotoxic and immunotoxic and cause numerous health risks like changes in liver enzymes, impacted thyroid function, increased risk of kidney, cancers, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. PFAS (PFCs/perfluorinated chemicals, including PFOA and PFOS) are added to many products we purchase to make them stain-resistant, grease-proof, and water-resistant. They are used in popcorn bags, pizza boxes, fast food wrappers, carpeting, furniture, non-stick pans, tooth flosses, and cosmetics. They are also found in unfiltered water.
What is wrong with parfum or fragrance ingredients in body products?
It is a proprietary blend of chemicals that the manufacturer does not have to list because of trade secrets, which are often comprised of toxic ingredients including hormone disruptors. Hormones regulate almost everything from fertility, to weight, to acne. Parfum is a chemically manufactured scent that gives products an indulgent feel and has no functional purpose. The most common response to fragrances in products are allergic reactions ranging from irritation and redness, to burning, itching and swelling, to dermatitis and hives.
Toxins in the kitchen
plastic cups
plastic cooking utensils like spatula and ladle
plastic plates
plastic cutlery
plastic cutting board
plastic food containers
plastic water bottles
plastic water pitcher
you can buy a 64 glass jug or a 32 oz glass jug online
plastic straws
aluminum pans and aluminum baking trays
aluminum cookware and nonstick pots
storing whole fruit in fridge
dish soap
plastic spice shakers
Water tastes delicious out of glass.
Toxins in the bathroom
fluoride toothpaste
replace with with fluoride free toothpaste. Redmond Earthpaste makes toothpaste with clean ingredients. Fluoride is a serious neuro poison. See on more information on fluoride toxicity.
food grade toothpaste: plain coconut oil for kids; plain coconut oil with added drops of clove and peppermint essential oils; plain baking soda for teeth whitening; plain sea salt for whitening or cleaning
hand soap
air fresheners
a bar of soap like from Unearthmalee that has a simple and clean ingredients list; organic apple cider vinegar diluted 20x with water will clean hair very well. Fill up a glass jar 1/20 with the apple cider and the rest with water and use as a shampoo that detoxes instead of lathering in the head carcinogens. You can add a few drops of rosemary essential oil to slow down hair loss and hair turning gray.
body soap
Toxic personal products
synthetic perfume or cologne
aluminum free deodorant like brands Native and Cleo Coco; just use plain arrowroot powder; make your own that has medicinal qualities with a mini glass 2 oz sprayer from Whole Foods and fill with jojoba oil (as the carrier oil) and then add 20 drops total of either cypress or sandalwood and your preferred essential oil
For commercial cleaner ingredients makeup you can check ingredients on The detox market sells makeup that has been screened for many carcinogens, but they are not all perfectly clean. Product ingredients can be checked on, a cancer causing chemicals list. Coastal Creations sells mascara that has cleaner ingredients.
makeup remover
hair moose or gel
aloe vera gel for moose and plain coconut oil for gel
dry cleaned clothing is full of carcinogenic chemicals residue called perc
washable clothing or spot clean and hang to dry
synthetic clothing
plain coconut oil; a cream from; calendula oil from
face cleanser
silver fillings/amalgams are half mercury by weight can can cause dementia
commercial period pads or tampons
tampons can cause toxic shock syndrome
organic disposable pads; reusable washable organic cotton pads; reusable washable cotton absorbable underwear
Period products undergo little to no safety testing and manufacturers are not required to disclose all the ingredients they contain. Many contain PFAS, dioxin, and other organochloride compounds that can cause cancers. and independently tested certain brands of absorbable period underwear in labs for PFAS and they list recommended brands.
Castile soap bar with activated charcoal
Toxic baby products
diapers sells cleaner ingredients than most brands; organic cotton washable diapers like from Esembly
natural real rubber pacifier from a rubber tree that you can buy from Amazon like from Natursutten (pacifiers interfere with proper tongue placement and can cause mouth breathing and crooked teeth)
baby wipes are usually a blend of parabens, phthalates, SLS and chemical preservatives which interfere with many body systems
use a small 4 oz sprayer with water and tissues; has baby wipes with cleaner ingredients than other commercial brands
baby toys can have cadmium and phthalates and babies put toys in the mouth has less toxic toys like wood toys and ducks from natural rubber
plastic baby bottles
Household toxins
tea lights are mostly made from paraffin which give off benzene (a carcinogen)
store receipts have BPA
minimize handling store receipts by opting for emailed receipts or not taking them at checkout. BPA in your body can be greater through skin absorption from BPA receipts than ingesting BPA from contaminated food and drinks.
scented candles with are always synthetic fragrance
plain Borax powder from Amazon; 1 cup of plain vinegar in a full load; soap nuts that can be used for a few loads from
scented garbage bags
scented toilet paper and tissues
Chlorine Bleach like Clorox which is extremely corrosive and toxic
Cleansers are made from serious chemical solvents that you would call poison control if you accidentally drank them. Breathing in toxins hits the bloodstream faster than drinking toxins.
baking soda for floors, counters, inside toilet; vinegar for toilet, ceramic sinks, mirrors and glass; when you combine vinegar and baking soda you can use on hard-to-clean areas like cooktops; add 1/2 – 1cup of baking soda to some water and boil in a burnt in pot to be able to loosen off the burnt food
house scents
new household products off gas from VOCs and should be left outdoors till they air out
pest sprays cause brain cancers
cockroaches – mix 50% diatomaceous earth and 50% cane sugar and leave it in areas where it won’t be swept up. Cayenne pepper flakes and cayenne powder also repel roaches.
House radiation
EMF radiation
smart meters, smart devices, wifi, cell phones, ear buds, cordless phones
Radon Gas
Ingested toxins
Over the counter medications
Change your lifestyle: proper food, exercise, sleep, detox, de-stress to get off medications and heal deeply from within. Medications do not heal a condition, they alter the body and suppress symptoms but cause side effects many times worse than the symptoms they suppress. Research herbs and essential oils that can help.
They are synthetic, have toxic fillers, are not digestible, and are liver toxic. Rather, eat organic food you prepare yourself, fermented vegetables which are very potent foods. See what to eat section for other potent foods in their whole form.
RX medications
Change your lifestyle: proper food, exercise, sleep, detox, de-stress to get off medications and heal deeply from within. Medications do not heal a condition, they alter the body and suppress symptoms but cause side effects many times worse than the symptoms they suppress. Research herbs and essential oils that can help.
glyphosate in nonorganic food
only eat organic produce, seeds, nuts, grains, beans, and meat from organic grass-fed animals, and if you want to eat dairy, only raw organic dairy. Nonorganic dairy has hormones and antibiotics in it. And is likely to be contaminated by the chemicals and toxins the animal is exposed to because of its high fat content.
wild caught Atlantic fish only and only small fish so there’s less bioaccumulation of metals
canned fish and canned foods from aluminum cans (with some that have BPA linings) are very processed foods
buy fresh food; buy dry beans that you soak and boil to prepare instead; tuna is also high in mercury
food coloring which crosses the blood brain barrier
nitrates which cause colorectal cancer and polyp growth in the colon
don’t eat cured meats like hot dogs and cold cuts
food preservatives in nearly all factory packaged foods
MSG in many packages foods and in most takeout and restaurant foods
fake sugar like aspartame which is a serious neurotoxin
Unfiltered city water has 60,000 chemicals
The ideal drinking water is to have a well in the ground and then a whole house carbon filter which will still keep the water alkaline and all the natural minerals in the water.