Malka Reichman

Sourdough Pizza

Makes 2 pies, serves 5 adults



1 cup sourdough starter

2 ¼ cups water

¼ cup olive oil

2 tsp. coconut sugar

5 cups sprouted spelt flour (see Note)

1 Tbsp. sea salt


¼ inch pizza steel (from NerdChef brand from Amazon)

pizza paddle (from Weber brand from Amazon)

pizza cutter

For people who keep kosher, if you want to make meat and also dairy pizzas, you will need separate steels and paddles for meat and dairy.


1. Mix all dough ingredients on low speed to form a soft, stretchy dough. It should start to come away from the sides of the bowl.

2. Let the dough rise covered with a towel until doubled in size, about 30 minutes to 1 hour (in warm climate, more time needed if you live in a cooler climate).

3.Flatten out half of the dough into a large, thin round pie on a piece of unbleached parchment paper onto the pizza paddle like from Weber.

4. Preheat oven with the pizza steel inside to 500 degrees F.

5. Add toppings from option below

Slide pizza with the paper on it onto the pizza steel. Bake for 10-12 minutes.

This dough freezes nicely so many batches individually wrapped doughs can be frozen and made in advance.

For meat pizza

ground lamb or shredded brisket

raw honey


purple onion

Take 2 lbs of ground grass-fed lamb like from and cook in frying pan on low and slow till it’s cooked and stir to make sure it doesn’t clump and cooks in tiny pieces. Add a bit of sea salt. Strain gravy. And store cooked ground lamb in fridge. When the dough is finished rising, flatten and shape into a pie. Spread a mixture of mustard and raw honey on the dough. Then add ground lamb. Add on top finely chopped organic purple onion. Optional: fresh organic sage leaves on top which help digestion of fatty foods (not for nursing mothers since sage dries up breast milk.)

For a really medicinal pizza, you can make fermented mustard yourself by buying organic yellow mustard seed powder from vitacost and add equal amount filtered water to create a paste and a bit of brine from fermented veg. After 1 week on the counter tiny holes will form which means it is fermented. Store in the fridge and it lasts many months. Mustard seeds are a cruciferous vegetable and helps detox. When it’s fermented, it’s even more potent. It won’t be alive anymore after it gets bake in the oven.

For dairy pizza

2 Tbsp. organic extra virgin olive oil

2-3 organic tomatoes

½ lb fresh mozzarella cheese (from raw goat milk)

fresh organic basil

sea salt

optional 15-18 steamed organic garlic cloves

Mash garlic cloves and spread across the flattened round pie. Add very thin slices of tomato, basil leaves and fresh mozzarella pieces. Drizzle 1 Tbsp. of the oil on top.

Note about cheese and bovine dairy

Processed dairy is very inflammatory, causes leaky gut and a net calcium loss. Read more about this on the learn section, What’s Wrong With Dairy. Cow dairy has foreign proteins that are not digestible especially when the enzymes needed to digest them are destroyed during pasteurization. Processed cow dairy in the US also have hormones and antibiotic which are unsafe, and are even outlawed in Europe. The book Seeds of Deception by Smith explains how unsafe hormones in milk are. (Dairy products that are fermented like Kefir have the the casein protein broken down through the fermenting process.) Even worse, shredded cheese has anticaking agents like cellulose and/ or aluminum.

The cheese suggestion in the recipe is for cheese from raw organic goat milk only. That is the only healthy type of cheese.

For pareve/herb pizza

follow the dairy pizza instructions and just leave out the cheese

and add fresh thyme


To use a healthy flour, you can mill spelt berries fresh so all the germ and bran is intact. The germ contains the B vitamins that a person needs to support basic life functions. Store bought processed flour doesn’t contain the germ because it makes the flour perishable and need refrigeration. You can buy flour freshly milled flour, without sifting, from, and store it in the freezer. See article What’s a Healing Bread about resources for spelt berries and grain mills. Extra flour will stay fresh in the freezer. Denatured flour from the supermarket causes all degenerative diseases and tooth decay.

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