Malka Reichman

What is a healing bread?

Both gluten and dairy are damaging to the body because they cause leaky gut. Leaky gut causes systemic inflammation and serious degenerative and chronic disease.

Modern bread causes IBS, Crohn’s, Celiac disease and leaky gut.

Make a healthy and healing bread, the way bread was made until 100 years ago.

This kind of bread is extremely healthy (even for people who want to eat gluten free) and gives so much satiety. One slice keeps a person full for hours and it doesn’t cause a sugar spike.
It called sourdough bread and it is not sour tasting, if it is made properly.

modern changes to bread, which makes regular bread toxic and not digestible:

1- There is zero germ in the flour.

There are 3 parts to the kernel: bran (fiber), endosperm (starch) and the germ. The germ contains all the vitamins you need to live like the B complex vitamins. (A lack of B complex vitamins causes cancer and dementia.) The flour manufacturers take out the germ and sell it to the health food stores because the germ is perishable and they want the flour to have a long shelf life. If they keep germ in the flour, the flour would need refrigeration. With the germ intact, the flour is fresh for only 30 days. White flour is just the endosperm and some vitamins added back by law so people don’t die of lack of basic vitamins. Whole wheat flour is the endosperm and some of the bran added back. Only when you mill your own flour, you have the germ and the full amount of bran, the exact proportions that G-d put into the grain, to sustain the body. You can buy grain, called berries, from websites that sell organic grain like and Organic spelt berries are very versatile. Spelt flour tastes great in bread, cakes and cookies. It lasts 3 years as berries. You can mill the flour as needed because the flour loses vitamins if milled in advance. Sprouted means the berries are soaked to get rid of lectins and then dried so they can be milled. Sprouted berries are only necessary if you are baking a cake that is not fermented. If you are fermenting the flour for bread or cake, then buying the berries sprouted or sprouting the berries yourself is not necessary. The fermenting process  breaks down gluten bonds.  Both the Nutrimill harvest or Mockmill are good grain mills. I prefer the Mockmill which is more modern looking (looks great on the countertop), sturdier, and also has plugs suitable for many different countries. The Mockmill professional model is for milling a lot flour at a time. 

Mockmill has an option to purchase a grain mill with Israeli volts

Use Partner code P2024-MR-03 for 3% off.

Nutrimill Harvest and Mockmill are grain mills that have small wood boxes with two stones inside that can be adjusted to mill coarse through fine flour. If you don’t want to mill your own flour, you can also buy organic sprouted spelt flour from and they will mill it fresh before shipping, with the germ still intact. The flour will last if placed in the freezer. Best to leave milled flour at least in the fridge. In Israel, Nizat has spelt berries in the store that can also be purchased as a 25 kilo sack in bulk (for less than half price) by contacting Herzl Bibi, Nizat’s owner.

2- The modern day wheat is a man made gluten structure. 
Modern wheat berries are enormous kernels compared to the ancient grain. Millions were poured in nearly a century ago to create a wheat kernel that maximizes profits but it has a crazy man-made gluten structure. Wheat is not digestible. Einkorn is the ancient wheat, and was not hybridized by humans. Spelt and kamut are also ancient grains.
3- The rising agent was changed from a leaven/starter (mixture of flour and water which has the natural bacteria lactobacillus in it) to commercial yeast.
The natural bacteria is slower and so bakeries use yeast to get the bread to rise faster. The healthy bacteria in the flour is cultivated by feeding it water and flour. Once activated, they are the rising agent in making bread. This is the way bread was meant to rise. These bacteria do a very complex job breaking down gluten to amino acids, breaking down anti-nutrients in the grain, increasing the availability of nutrients like folate, potassium and magnesium, reduces the bread’s glycemic index and slows down the speed at which sugars enter the bloodstream
One shouldn’t take synthetic vitamins, but should eat unprocessed foods which are full of vitamins naturally.

Both charts are from ‘Back to Eden’ written by Jethro Kloss, an American herbalist from the 1930s. Table II is Adapted from Henry A Schroeder. M.D. “Losses of Vitamins and Trade Minerals Resulting from Processing and Preservation of Food,” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 24, pages 566-659, May 1971. 

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